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Avoid These Body Language When Interviewing


Avoid These Body Language When Interviewing

It was common in the era of globalization and modernization of the current, the competition is getting tougher to get a dream job. No wonder the number of job seekers prepare themselves well to their hopes and desires can be realized. However, many Job Seekerswho do not realize that in the interview process work , the wrong body language can result in you losing your dream job. Non-verbal communication, such as body language, attitude and behavior during the interview you work really affects you in getting a job is. Here are some body language mistakes when interviewing job :

Shaking hands 

At the time of the interview, shake hands with the interviewer is the thing to do. With shaking hands, certainly gave a positive assessment to you when you first meet the interviewer. Interviewer with a handshake should be confident and believe in yourself, do not shake hands with flagging. Make them impressed when shaking hands with you. Also make sure your hands dry, so if you sweat, wash before you meet the interviewer.

Chin propped
Do not idly during the interview goes. This will give a negative interpretation for yourself in the eyes of the interviewer. A rekuiter certainly more observant in assessing the candidates. With chin in hand, you will look seriously and seem reluctant to follow the interview session. That is, your judgment will be bad in the eyes of the interviewer, even for the future.

Do not Clear the view
Do not stare the interviewer blankly. Eyes are the senses of sight, therefore, would empty view in interpreting that you do not understand what the question on the interview process. Preferably in the interview process is the best way with the interviewer's eyes watching every question seriously.

Avoid Too Much Nodding Head.
You might think it's a good idea to nod our heads either to appear to agree with the interviewer you or imply you give more attention. But the reality is that this can make you appear as who does not understand anything.

Remember !! Process Interview is the most spread for Jobseeker, therefore make this process as the momentum you get that dream job. So prepare as much as possible.

Avoid These Body Language When Interviewing 4.5 5 littleBrother Avoid These Body Language When Interviewing It was common in the era of globalization and modernization of the current, the competitio...

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